BS, Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Minor in Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, May 2026 (expected).
Technical Skills
I am interested in applied electromagnetic, RF systems, and analog circuit design in general. I have mathematical interest in numerical methods for PDEs and non-linear dynamics.
Skills: Circuit design, simulation (ADS, AWR), electromagnetics simulation (HFSS, FEKO), PCB design (Altium), experience with RF test equipment (VNAs, spectrum analyzers, antenna characterization)
Languages: C/C++, MATLAB, Python, Verilog, Rust, HTML/CSS/JS.
Research Assistant, Antenna Research Group, CU Boulder May 2024 - Present
- Developed electrically small antennas for HF communication applications, including design of a novel elliptically polarized small antenna.
Research Assistant, High Speed Digital Engineering Group, CU Boulder May 2023 - May 2024
- Investigated techniques for designing high bandwidth interconnects with silver nanoparticle (AgNP) conductive inks.
- Fabricated, measured, and modelled microstrip test structures from AgNP inks, demonstrating feasible interconnects to 10 GHz.
- Developed custom instrumentation (circuit, PCB, and software) for pulsed I-V measurements of ink structures, demonstrating I-V under isothermal and heated conditions.
- Investigated characteristics of Cu–AgNP interfaces and techniques for rapid prototyping of ink circuits onto existing copper structures.
Learning Assistant, Department of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering, CU Boulder Aug 2023 - Dec 2023
- Lectured introductory electronics, helped students design and build freshman engineering projects.
- E. Wawrzynek, S. Yen, L. Boskovic, and D. Filipovic, “An Electrically Small Circularly Polarized Spherical Folded Helix Antenna for GPS”, 2025 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI), Ottawa, Canada 2025 (accepted).
- E. Wawrzynek, S. Yen, and D. Filipovic, “Design of an Electrically Small Circularly Polarized Spherical Folded Helix Antenna”, 2025 United States National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM), Boulder, CO, USA 2025.
Technical Projects
- Created an interactive application to visualize solutions to the wave and heat equations.
- Wrote a finite difference time domain (FDTD) solver for the equations. Developed the solver for GPU acceleration with OpenGL, allowing for realtime visualization of solutions.
- Developed a GUI that allows for graphical construction of boundary and initial conditions. Designed examples demonstrating conditions of phased array antennas, doppler effect, transmission across impedance mismatches, beat frequencies, cavity resonators, and other wave phenomena.
Relevant Coursework
- Microwave and RF Laboratory
- Electromagnetic Fields, Waves, and Transmission
- Electronics for Wireless Systems
- Electromagnetic Metamaterials
- Microelectronics and Circuits
- Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems
Rising Star Award, Department of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering, CU Boulder May 2023
- Recognizes a single first-year student for outstanding engagement with course work, research, and the department.
Amateur Radio License (KF0MNX), General Class